ID Creation Page
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Please construct your Babes In Space name by typing in the first three letters of your middle name followed by the last two letters of your first name. For example, "David Kyle" would become "Kylid".
Please find your Celestial location in this list
Ambartsumian's Knot
Ant Nebula
Antares Nebula
Antennae Galaxies
Antlia Dwarf
Apple Core Nebula
Aquarius Dwarf
Argo Dwarf
Arp's Galaxy
Auriga Salt-and-Pepper
Baade's Galaxies A & B
Barbon's Galaxy
Barnard's Loop
Baxendall's Nebula
Bear Paw (Claw) Galaxy
Beehive Cluster
Blinking Planetary
Blue Flash Nebula
Blue Planetary
Blue Snowball
Bode's Galaxy
Boomerang Nebula
Box Nebula
Brocchi's Cluster
Bug Nebula
Burbidge Chain
Burnham's Nebula
Campbell's Star
Capricorn Dwarf
Carafe Group
Carina Dwarf
Cassiopeia A
Cat Eye Nebula
Cave Nebula
Christmas Tree Cluster
Circinus Galaxy
Cirrus Nebula
Cloud Nebula
Clown Nebula
CM Tauri
Coddington's Nebula
Coma A
Coma Pinwheel Galaxy
Coma Star Cluster
Cone Nebula
Cooling Tower
Copeland's Septet
Cork Nebula
Crab Nebula
De Mairan's Nebula
de Mairan's Nebula
Delle Caustiche
Diablo Nebula
Double Cluster
Double-Headed Shot
Draco Dwarf
Dragon Nebula
Eagle Nebula
Egg Nebula
Eight-burst Planetary
Einstein Cross
Elephant Trunk
Eridanus Globular Cluster
ET Cluster
Eta Carinae Nebula
Exclamation Mark Galaxy
Eye Nebula
Filamentary Nebula
Fish mouth
Fish on the platter nebula
Flame Nebula
Footprint Nebula
Fornax Dwarf
Frosty Leo
Gamma Cassiopeiae Nebula
Gamma Cygni Nebula
Gamma Leonis Group
Golf of Mexico
GR 8 (Gibson Reaves)
Grus Quartet
Gum Nebula
Hamburger Galaxy
Hardcastle's Galaxy
Hercules Globular Cluster
Herring Galaxy
Hoag's Object
Holmberg VII
Horsehead Nebula
Horseshoe Nebula
Hubble's Variable Nebula
Ink Spot
Integral Sign Galaxy
January Salt-and-Pepper
Jewel Box
July Salt-and-Pepper
Jupiter's Ghost
Keenan's System
Keyhole Nebula
Kowal's Object
Lace-work Nebula
Lagoon Nebula
Lambda Centauri Nebula
Lambda Orionis Nebula
Large Magellanic Cloud
Leo Triplet
Lindsay-Shapley Ring
Little Gem
Little Ghost Nebula
LMC, Large Magellanic Cloud
Lobster Nebula
Lord Rosse's Nebula
Lower's nebula
Maffei I
Malin 1
Malin 2
Markarian's Chain
Mayall's Object
McLeish's Object
Medusa Nebula
Merope Nebula
Merope Nebula Part
Milky Way Patch
Miniature Spiral
Minkowski's Object
Mirach's Ghost
Muscle Man Cluster
Network Nebula
North America Nebula
North Orion Bubble
Northern Coalsack
Nubecula Major
Nubecula Minor
October Salt-and-Pepper
Omega Centauri
Omega Nebula
Omicron Velorum Cluster
Orion A
Orion B
Orion Nebula
Owl Nebula
PacMan Nebula
Pegasus dSph
Perseus A
Perseus Double Cluster
Phi Cassiopeiae Cluster
Phoenix Dwarf Irregular G.
Pickering's Triangular N.
Pictor A
Pinwheel Galaxy
Pipe Nebula
Pisces Dwarf
Polarissima Borealis
Ptolemy's Cluster
Question Mark
Red Rectangle
Reinmuth 80
Reticulum Dwarf
Rho Ophiuchi Complex
Rho Ophiuchi Dark Cloud
Rho Ophiuchi Nebula
Ring Nebula
Ring Tail Galaxies
Rosette Nebula
Rosse's Galaxy
Running Chicken Nebula
S Nebula
Sagittarius Dwarf
Sagittarius Star Cloud
Sailboat Cluster
Salt-and-Pepper Clusters
Saturn Nebula
Schuster's Spiral
Sculptor Dwarf
Sculptor Dwarf Irregular
Sculptor Galaxy
Scutum Salt-and-Pepper
Seagull Nebula
Serpens Dwarf
Seven Sisters
Seyfert's Sextet
Siamese Twins
Silver Coin Galaxy
Sleeping Beauty Galaxy
Small Cluster Nebula
Small Magellanic Cloud
Smoking Gun
Snake Nebula
Southern Pinwheel Galaxy
Southern Pleiades
Southern Ring Galaxy
Southern Ring Nebula
Spindle Galaxy
Starfish Cluster
Stem of the Pipe Nebula
Stephan's Quintet
Stingray Nebula
Struve's Lost Nebula
Sunflower galaxy
Table of Scorpius
Tank tracks
Tau CMa cluster
Taurus A
Tempel's Nebula
Thor's Helmet
Toby Jug Nebula
Tom Thumb Cluster
Triangulum Galaxy
Triangulum Pinwheel Galaxy
Trifid Nebula
True Lovers' Knot
Tuft in the Tail of the Dog
Ursa Major A
Ursa Major Moving Cluster
Ursa Minor Dwarf
V Man Cluster
Veil Nebula
Vela SNR
Virgo A
Virgo Cluster Pinwheel Gal.
War and Peace Nebula
Whale Galaxy
White Eyed Pea
Wild Duck Cluster
Wild's Triplett
Winnecke 4
Winnecke 4 (WNC4)
Witch Head Nebula
WNC 4 (Winnecke 4)
Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte, WLM
X-mas Tree Cluster
Zwicky #2
Zwicky's Triplet